Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Listen! listen! listen! lemme speak!

Once upon a time in Zimbabwe...

Miss Astro Awani : Madam Seripah, there is...

Madam Seripah : Listen Miss Astro Awani! listen!

Miss Astro Awani : But...

Madam Seripah : Listen!

Miss Astro Awani : ..why..?

Madam Seripah : Listen!

Miss Astro Awani : I just...

Madam Seripah : Listen!... lemme speak.

                           : Lemme speak...

                           : Lemme speak...

                           : Lemme speak...

(lemme speak x 50)

Miss Astro Awani : *runaway~*

Madam Seripah : Miss Astro Awani, I hope all the best fo...


Miss Astro Awani : (..I was just about to tell her, there is a bomb planted in the room... hurm.. :( )


*tak paham ek? nasib aa. Lalalala~*

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