Isnin, 16 Mei 2016

Gelas biru dan 1/3 air suam

<p>"Don't hold your glass for too long..". Petikan kata-kata dari artikel viral berkaitan pakar psikologi serta syarahannya mengenai gelas yang berisi air penuh. Rasanya kau yang sedang baca entri nie memang exposed well dan aware akan artikel tersebut. Mana yang belum pernah @ unaware akan artikel tersebut boleh cuba google quote tadi. Aku malas nak cari dan kopipasta disini sebab aku malas. Good luck mencari artikel tersebut.</p>

<p>Baru balik lepak dengan member since quite some time dah tak lepak bersama. Mungkin sebab aku dengan aktiviti aku sendiri serta aku kurang join dieorang lepak (my baddd). Jangan salah faham dan being judgemental disini, biar aku clearkan keadaan terlebih dahulu. Melepak dengan dieorang bukan something yang salah, cuma timing aku jer yang tak cun. Most of the time always clash dengan my own program (harapan lah kalau member nak caye alasan aki nie, tapi betul laa apa yang bagitau disini). As a matter if fact, bagus sebenarnya socialize nie sebab boleh membuka minda terutamanya perkara berkaitan hal ehwal semasa. Since last week punya pilihanraya (PRN di Sarawak), cerita politik memang inevitable lah. Ouh, last week merupakan kali pertama aku pergi mengundi and yeah, it is really awesome menjalankan tugas sebagai rakyat (meyhh~). First time kot, dakwat biru pun masih lekat bak kata member aku tadi "menunjukkan yang kitorang dah matang (lah sangat) sebab dah pergi mengundi..". Itu bukan quote atau petikan kata-kata member, mana aku ingat apa dia kata cuma bunyinya kurang lebih gitulah.</p><br>

<p>Nak dijadikan cerita, kembali ke hal artikel viral yang di war-warkan tadi, berkaitan dengan topik yang kitorang bincangkan sebenarnya. Aku mentioned "bincang" eh? yer lah tu bincang. Sembang kosong dan saling bertukar loyar buruk juga yang menjadi crucial point bila melepak nie. Atleast, that is one way of relieving our stress, betul? isn't that what we have learnt from that infamous article that has spread virally and amplified through the power of Facebook?</p>

<p>Hell yeah, nothing for me to tell any further. Wonder why would I wrote this in english. Heck, this "alter ego" of me already took charge from me from this point onward. One thing that I want to pointed out here is, that "blue plastic glass used to sterillized utensils have been touched and made famous by us tonight...". Lol! funny when I wrote about this when only us (me and my friends that were on scene only knew about this). Why would I have this kind of urge (or whatever you called it) that them people (my so-on-scene members) would ever read this article? the answer is because I knew one of them would have read this and spread this to the other two in any means necessary because them friends... are really friends and only friend could tell it.</p>

<p>Sorry if this input unable to be decrypted by your brain or ever being understood (whomever you are) when you read this. It is already half past midnight and I am not in my right mind right now.</p>

<p>Psst: Truth is... I miss Miss S... damn much... someone please let her know that I miss her please.. I can't directly tell her myself... I just feel like I want to cry... so, bye now.. gotta go... T..T</p>

<p>THE END</p>

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