Khamis, 20 Julai 2017

Best friend

Best friend atau kawan karib, kawan akrab, sohabat, teman sejati dan yabg seangkatan dengannya lah. Aku yakin ramai atau as matter of fact semua dari kita (atleast yang baca entri nie) ada best friend kita sendiri. Mungkin hanya 1% ~ 2% sahaja yang tidak pernah ada best friend mereka sendiri. Okay, statistik itu aku sendiri yang reka. Itu tidak benar namun hanya wujud sekadar untuk tidak menafikan kemungkinan tersebut. Yeah, am I right? no? okay whatever.

Apa definisi best friend sebenarnya? bagi aku soalan ini subjektif, pretty much retorik. Hahah. Okay, okay, serious sh*t, as for me best friend boleh didefinisikan sebagai kawan yang rapat, always support each other no matter what happen, yang hanya bila dikalangan dieorang, korang pun mula jadik macam bunch of monkeys. Yes, kera, monyet, gorilla dan yang seerti dengannya. King kong pun boleh. One thing yang aku nak point out is, regardless of how long korang and your best friend "out of touch" because of you know, life, but best friend would always be best friend. Ini serius aku bagitau sebab this is how I see it. From my point of view laa.

Normally for me, for those friend yang dah lama aku tak hangout with, orang tu memang masuk dalam outer circle, maksud aku kelompok kengkawan yang macam bulan Syawal dimana menjelma setahun sekali sahaja. Heck, me myself sometime or to some people are that kind of friend. No offense and I'm not offended, seriously. That is how I USED to see it, ini jujur. Tapi sebenarnya... hakikatnya... realitinya... tak!

Okay, sekarang mungkin aku nampak bagai memalukan diri sendiri tapi ini aku terima sebagai satu kesilapan. Aku yang silap menilai. Once kau rasa kau dalam certain circle dan kau always nak dalam circle tersebut and frankly kau tanak circle tersebut vanish or faded macam tu jer, that is the moment kau tengah bonding your wolf-pack. Tak percaya? tak apa sebab I wish one day korang yabg disbelieve upon this would someday appreciate it and would never ever forgets it as how it does to me. Seriously, betol.

Okay, aku pendekkan cerita one day member aku mintak tolong aku edarkan jemputan majlis beliau. Heheh. Speaking of that, makin ramai antara member aku yang dah mendirikan masjid. Aku pun tak tahu aku bila lagi. Sedang mengumpul dana lah hendaknya (kunon!). Okay, that's put aside so by then me and my family were actually baru selesai memberi penghormatan terakhir to this one special chinese family that night(this one quite close to us to our dear heart, as for me my ownself aku might be regret kalau aku tak join my other family member that night). So, then once we were home, this one bro of mine mintak tolong. Honestly, I normally would decline but that is what I said when your bruh is calling you will find yourself end up giving him favor. Somehow, without hesitating, aku accept. Aside of what happened that day, one thing yang aku pegang is what has gone, let it go and one more thing, this one bruh bukan ajak chill lepak² buang masa, but actually sedang in desperate need of help (although "desperate" sound over-exxagarated but yeah. Hahah). So later on he picked me up.

Fewh! panjang gak karangan aku kali nie, still belom sampai point of the story. Erk?!

Nak dijadikan cerita, because this one bro jenis yang membantu orang lain like a lot, somehow someone that he helped not long before (by then, masa tu arr) offers to help us which is mengagihkan kad jemputan tersebut. Wise to say, our deal were made. Kerja kitorang settle in matter of less than an hour. We both sempat laa experiencing some experience of menghantar kad jemputan dari rumah ke rumah before berjumpa dengan that one good guy. Heheh.

So for the rest of time, this best friend of mine ajak minum. We both end up went to same spot which is few weeks before with one of our best friend pun datang situ nak minum gak. But that night just two of us. Memula I find it awkward, I believe this bro feeling the same but not till we went down to memory lane. Lepas tu #KLMJ and like tonnes of things we talked like for an hour (I guess but seems longer, maybe two hours). You wont believe it but bila lepak dengan your own best friend, that amount of time, seems like 5 minutes of masa rehat disekolah. Oh yeah, we met at school. Not just two of us, I would say we were like 4-5 guys considering ourselves "best friend". Heheh. Seriously masa lepak tu kau rasa macam kau balik ke zaman sekolah. Spend masa be it in class atau masa rehat atau masa balik dari sekolah talking almost about crap. About nothing tapi dengan penuh hujah and so on. Know what I'm saying? yeah, right.

So yeah, that is some bit of that. Sorry aku tak mention nama. Those bruh-bruh yang accidentally terbaca entry nie for sure wouldn know. Hahah. Nie belom aku masokkan lagi bro-bro zaman sekolah teknik and yang dari Politeknik lagi. Hahah. Sorry guys, tak sempat. Maybe next time alright.

Okay then. Later ya'll. Bye! assalamualaikummm. Ciao! ✌😉

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